A word from the President

Rose-Noëlle Vannier, Director of the ENSCL graduate school in Lille, was nominated president of the Federation Gay-Lussac in march 2024.

Her roadmap for the Federation Gay-Lussac:

  • After the baccalaureate (diploma obtained at the end of high school), the CPI’s (integrated preparatory classes) of the Federation Gay-Lussac work together so that the students go on to receive their engineering diploma. This is a result of much cooperation and discussion with the teachers and professors from the CPGE’s (preparatory classes of Grandes Ecoles (high level schools of science and engineering)) and the IUT’s (University Institutes of Technology) to best accompany the students after the recent baccalaureate reform.
  • In cooperation with all the Federation Gay-Lussac schools, continue the pedagogical projects based on the hybrid teaching platform model. This project was also chosen by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and will be launched next spring.
  • Develop a “skills approach” in order to strengthen the bridges between the Federation Gay-Lussac graduate schools and the socio-economic players and thus have a national-level discussion to work on the future professions and challenges in the sectors addressed by the Federation.
  • Be a major player in education, research and innovation, in the crucial challenges that must be faced in the next few years such as reindustrialization, relocation, recycling, energy efficiency, and reducing carbon levels, etc. The Federation Gay-Lussac has a significant role to play as a specialist in matter cycles.

A word from the President of the Federation Gay-Lussac