International activities of the Federation Gay-Lussac

If you wish to pursue some of your scolarity abroad, the schools can offer you numerous opportunities: double diplomas, partnerships with foreign universities, academic exchanges, ERASMUS stays. We invite you to consult the websites of the schools.
Apart from these programmes, specific to each school, the Federation Gay-Lussac has the vocation to pool these resources to favour international opportunities even more. Specific actions are led in order to cement partnerships with foreign establishments and to develop student mobility (for example in India or Columbia).
The Federation has created an international cycle of studies – the Chem.I.St program (Chemistry International Studies)– offered in 5 of its schools. Specifically designed for students from the entire world.
In 2009, the Federation Gay-Lussac has also launched Chimie Pékin a partnership program with the Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), a partnership program with the East China University of Sciences and Technology (ECUST) of Shanghai and develops new partnerships in Central Europe, in Brazil and in Sub-Saharan Africa.