Chemistry and the challenges for society

Chemistry is the 4th largest industrial sector in terms of domestic expenditure in Research & Development and the workforce in research is in constant progression.
With France’s excellence in this scientific domain (10 Nobel prizes, high-level studies), this sector plays a key role in facing the challenges of the future such as sustainable mobility, intelligent cities, digital transition, and a circular economy, etc.
In France, the chemistry industry is the sector that has reduced its CO2 emissions the most with a decrease of 65% since 1990. At the end of 2022 In the final stage of lowering carbon levels, it published an ambitious objective of a supplementary reduction in CO2 emissions of 36% in 2030 compared to 2015.
One of the conditions to hold to this objective is the availability of the necessary skilled workforce. However, the chemistry industry, already a very innovative sector, anticipates recruiting 120 000 employees within 5 years. This is why the Federation Gay-Lussac offers education and continued training that integrate the skills necessary not only for lowering the carbon levels in the chemistry sectors, but also for developing new solutions in the ecological transition of other sectors of the economy.
A few figures concerning the chemistry industry in France:
- 2nd – ranked second in Europe
- 129 billion euro turnover
- 4th industrial sector in R&D spending
- 1st industrial exporter
- + 250 startups
- 6.6 billion euros in investment
- 94 % permanent contracts
- 70% of the workforce are technicians, senior managers or managers
*Source : France Chimie