The 20 graduate schools in the Federation Gay-Lussac recruit from Baccalaureate to 4th year of studies either by competitive entry or on qualifications.

With a scientific baccalaureate
To enter a graduate school of chemistry and process engineering, you can go to one of the 5 Federation Gay-Lussac CPI (integrated preparatory classes)

After a CPGE
After a CPGE (preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles), you can enter a graduate school of chemistry & process engineering by competitive entry

After a Degree, BUT or BTS
Apply to a chemistry graduate school by competitive entry (Concours PASS'Ingénieur) or by considering your qualifications (AST - Admission Sur Titre)

Continuing your studies
Choose between the different openings from your last year of undergraduate studies and continue with a PhD in one of the 120 laboratories of the FGL

Join the First Summer School of the Gay-Lussac Federation!
From June 22 to July 5, 2025, the Gay-Lussac Federation invites you to participate in the first edition of its Summer School, hosted at ENSCMu in Mulhouse, Alsace region, France.

A word from the President of the Federation Gay-Lussac
Rose-Noëlle Vannier, Director of Centrale Lille (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille), was elected president of the FGL network of 20 chemistry and process engineering graduate schools in March 2024. She takes over from Laurent Prat, Director of Toulouse INP-ENSIACET.

International outlook : What are the Opportunities for the Graduate Schools in the Fédération Gay-Lussac?
In addition to the programmes in each graduate school, the Fédération Gay-Lussac aims to pool the resources of each of them in order to favor their international outlook. Specific actions are organized to forge partnerships with foreign establishments and therefore increase student mobility.
Choose your school
The 20 graduate schools of chemistry and process engineering in the Federation Gay-Lussac offer programs which are based on a common core in science, management, project management, sustainable development and languages. Each school offers its own specific teaching program and campus life.
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Educating chemical engineers for 30 years
The Federation Gay-Lussac exists since 1994 and is the oldest thematic network of science and engeneering graduate schools in France.
It provides the 20 member schools an improved visibility and allows them to pursue concrete actions which is a real asset for the training programs of engeneers.