The Federation

The Federation Gay-Lussac is a national network of 20 graduate schools of chemistry and process engineering. Created in 1994, it is the oldest thematic network of science and engineering graduate schools in France.
It offers the 20 graduate schools of chemistry and process engineering which constitute the FGL, better visibility and allows them to pursue concrete actions which provide a real advantage for training engineers. Dialogue and the exchange of experience are necessary in the ecological and societal transition of the chemistry sector through its commitments and numerous achievements.
These schools unify their efforts and share their means in order:
- to provide innovative scientific, technological, social and managerial education, best adapted to the industrial world;
- to make students aware of company culture and to develop their sense of autonomy, of initiative and of responsibility;
- to provide a solid education in research in fields of excellence;
- to offer students a wide range of specialisations by means of a flexible system of inter-school mobility;
- to widen the international horizon of students through the practice of foreign languages, internships and double diploma programmes throughout the world.
Accurate information and orientation advice
The Federation Gay-Lussac allows all its member schools to get to know each other. This element is very important during orientation and prospection phases. It allows proper information to be provided, so that the choice of school corresponds best to the professional project and the personal aspirations of each student.
Common Integrated Preparatory Classes (CPI)
The CPI Gay-Lussac (in Rennes, Lille, Pau, Strasbourg ou Clermont-Ferrand) or the international program Chem.I.St (CHEMistry International STudies), at the level of the Baccalaureate, are specifically conceived for the student, after 2 years of preparatory classes, to enter one of the 20 schools of the Fédération, based on continuous evaluation.
Modular programs
The Federation has developed a skills-based approach in order to reinforce the transition from graduate school to the socio-economic world. As a result, a national discussion is underway in order to work on the future professions and challenges in this sector.
Permanent thought is given to the education and the prospects for students: surveys are performed to follow-up on the professional insertion of their graduates. Close relations with the world of business allow innovative scientific and technical teaching to be offered.
It is also possible to follow the last year of the engineering program at another of the Federation’s schools, if the desired specialisation is not offered in the school of origin.
Projects in common: best pedagogical practices
Between the graduate schools, the Federation Gay-Lussac coordinates projects for the best pedagogical practices, notably:
- la plateforme d’enseignement hybride– the hybrid teaching platform project selected by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
- The Décarbochim consortium makes quality courses available nationwide based on the same skills framework. The aim is a low-carbon or decarbonized chemical industry.