Admission with a scientific baccalaureat – first year
Integrated Preparatory Classes of the Federation Gay-Lussac (CPIs)
The Federation Gay-Lussac offers two common programs : the so-called « classical » Integrated Preparatory Classes and an international program Chem.I.St (Chemistry International Studies). These classes are taught in 5 schools in France : Clermont-Ferrand , Lille, Pau, Rennes and Strasbourg.
How does it work? After a scientific baccalaureat you can go to one of the 5 CPIs. Students are recruited upon an electronic application on plateforme ParcourSup and a recruiting interview. After completing your two years of CPI, you can enter one of the 20 schools of the Federation without taking an entry exam (depending on your ranking results and continuous evaluation). These educational streams are recommended for students who have chosen to attend an engineering school in chemistry or chemical engineering, but who are not set on a particular school.
The Integrated Cycle Springboard Engineer (Cycle Intégré Tremplin Ingénieur – CITI)
Students who have successfully completed an STL-SPCL Baccalauréat (Laboratory Sciences and Technology stream, with a special focus on physical and chemistry laboratory sciences) can now apply for a 2-year program at FGL in Rennes.
30 places are available and students are recruited at national level via the plateforme ParcourSup. To demonstrate their eligibility for this demanding program, students are required to submit an electronic application and attend a recruitment interview with a panel of representatives from ENSCR (Rennes).
The curriculum is aligned with the requirements of traditional engineering courses, but is adapted to the students’ academic background to ensure they have every chance of successfully completing the engineering program. Admission to the 2nd year of the programme is based on continuous assessment, as is subsequent admission to one of the engineering schools in the Federation Gay-Lussac (i.e. students are not required to take a competitive entrance exam).
Integrated Preparatory Classes in schools and other programs
6 schools in the Federation offer their own Integrated Preparatory Class, i.e. which only allow you to enter the chosen school: : CPE Lyon, l’ENSCMu in Mulhouse, l’ESCOM Chimie in Compiègne, l’ENSIL-ENSCI in Limoges, l’INSA Rouen, l’ITECH Lyon. For CPE Lyon and ESCOM Chimie, admission is via the Concours Puissance Alpha ; ITECH has its own recruitment procedure which you can consult on the school’s website.
5 schools in the Federation (ENSIC, Toulouse INP ENSIACET, ENSMAC, ENSGTI, ENSI Poitiers) are also accessibles via Polytechnique Preparatory Classes of the Instituts Nationaux Polytechniques – La Prépa des INP.
2 schools (ENSCBP in Bordeaux and ENSGTI in Pau) also recruit from the integrated preparatory classes of the University of Bordeaux.
Lastly, INSA Rouen and Centrale Marseille offer other admissions processes after a scientific baccalaureate.
More information on these recruitement procedures on the schools’ websites.