Professional associations

The Fédération Gay-Lussac, in addition to 20 graduate schools of chemistry, includes 3 professional associations who guarantee permanent exchanges with industry of the sector, civil society and the government.

France Chimie
This is a professional syndicate of Chemical companies in France. It brings together 1300 companies totalling 225 000 employees, with an annual turnover of 68 Billion euros of which 53% involving exports. The presence of its representatives within the Federation testifies to the common desire to maintain a teaching programme which is constantly in touch with the needs of the industry.
France Chimie and the Federation Gay-Lussac have several joint ventures:
- Le Prix Jeunes innovation the “Prize for Innovation” rewards innovative projects concerning a more sustainable society. The winners are student engineers from our 20 graduate schools of chemistry and process engineering. In addition, this award is supported by 10 industrial partners.
- Le Prix Pierre Potier des Lycéens The “Pierre Potier Prize” is designed to help high school pupils discover the innovations in chemistry with regards to sustainable development.
- Les olympiades de la chimie The objective of the “Chemistry Olympiads” is to incite the interest of high-school pupils in chemistry and to understand its indispensable contribution to today’s society.

La Société Chimique de France (Chemical Society of France)
This is the “learned society” whose objective is the promotion of chemistry in its scientific, educational and applied aspects. It is organised into 8 scientific specialities and 18 regional sections. It includes students, graduate students, young professionals and job seekers.
The Federation Gay-Lussac is a member of the organizing committee of the annual congress. In addition, it coproduces, with the youth network of the French Chemical Society, the podcast Vis ma chimie (Live my chemistry).

L’UNAFIC – Union Nationale des Associations Françaises d’ingénieurs Chimistes (National Union of French Associations of Engineer Chemists)
Created in 1910, UNAFIC combines associations of engineer chemists. Its mission is to represent them within national institutions (Government, Learned societies, Charities) as well as internationally (European Union, Foreign Union of Engineer Chemists). It regularly publishes a summary document on the evolution of the population of engineer chemists and a brochure intended for preparatory classes in high schools which present the careers for engineer chemists as well as the Chemistry schools.
Furthermore, the Federation Gay-Lussac has created an academic partnership with theAcadémie des sciences(Science Academy of France). Each year, the Science Academy – Federation Gay Lussac Prize illustrates how « chemistry is at the forefront of the challenges of our society »..