20 year anniversary of ECPM

On the 27the of November, ECPM will celebrate its 20th anniversary as of 2 pm in the Forestier amphitheater, 25 rue Becquerel, in Strasbourg-Cronenbourg.
ON THE PROGRAMME: Chimie, climate and environment, the point of view of industry
This round-table will bring together deciders from the Chemical Industry such as, Xavier Susterac, President of BASF France, graduate of EHICS, Russel Mills, Global Manager, Energy and climate change policy, at The Dow Chemical Company, Pierre-Etienne Bindschedler, President of SOPREMA, Dominique Jullien, Directeur of the Department of Analytical Chemistry / Advanced Research at L’Oréal S.A, and Francis Laroppe, UAP Manager of the Recycling Department at Constellium.
It will be preceded by a seminar by Gérard Férey, Member of the Academy of Sciences, entitled « Heterodoxical academic innovation in the service of society the example of MOFs.