A new President for the Federation

Pierre Le Cloirec has been elected President of the Federation Gay-Lussac during the General Assembly of 20 March 2016. He succeeds Jacques Mercadier, Directorr of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure en Génie des Technologies Industrielles (ENSGTI) – Pau, President since 2013 who had arrived at the end of his term.
Professor Pierre Le Cloirec has been the Director of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) since 1 July 2008. An Engineer Chemist from ENSCR, He has an Engineering PhD in Chemistry and a doctorate in physical sciences. Following a postdoctoral year in the United States, in 1982, he was named Assistant Professor at ENSCR then in 1990, Full Professor at the Ecole des Mines of Alès where he managed an Industrial Environmental Engineering laboratory for 5 years. From 1995 to 2006, he was a Professor at the Ecole des Mines of Nantes where he was the Director of an Energy Systems and Environment laboratory. He was also the Assistant Director of the UMR CNRS 6144 laboratory, Génie des Procédés Environnement Agroalimentaire (GEPEA- Food Industry Environment Chemical Engineering). He teaches the basics of chemical engineering: mass and heat transfer as well as reactor engineering.
He has published more than 260 international scientific articles on systems involving fluid-solid interactions (absorption – desorption) in biotic and abiotic reactors. He is the author of 4 books and several chapters in books on the treatment of water, volatile organic compounds and olfactive nuisances. He is co-inventor of 18 patents and has received 7 science prizes for his research work.
The New President bases his strategy for the Federation from 2015 to 2017 around 4 major axes:
- To develop and coordinate common actions for the Schools: to develop institutional relations, notably with the Ministries, the CGE, the CDEFI; to work on the presentation of a training programme and to implement group actions; to consolidate and develop the integrated preparatory cycles
- To be more open internationally: to pursue and to stabilise the programmes embarked upon with China; to confirm and officialise the pre-entry semester which allows foreign students to be better prepared for a French education in our schools; to widen our partnerships with central Europe, Brazil and Sub-Saharan Africa
- To communicate and to be better known with the priority targets of the federation: French or foreign, post baccalaureate students, industrial groups
- Relying on the executive committee and the operational work groups.