Call for papers for the next research colloquium

The call for papers for the next Federation Gay-Lussac research colloquium is open until 22 September 2015.
The colloquium will have as a theme, “Chemistry and Plant Processes” and shall take place in Montpellier from 27 to 29 January 2016.
The colloquium will have as a theme, “Chemistry and Plant Processes” and shall take place in Montpellier from 27 to 29 January 2016.
The Federation Gay-Lussac colloquium is, by definition, a place of multi-disciplinary encounters and interactions between both established and young researchers. Its emphasis is especially on young researchers and graduate students. This scientific conference is often the cornerstone of the beginning of a career for a large number of scientists who find there, the first opportunity to present their work in a high level scientific meeting.